| Scrabble Page-A-Day Calendar, Daily Boxed, Workman Publishing
There are 100 million Scrabble players out there - and here's how they can have a game every day, with no opponent necessary. Created by National Scrabble Association executive director John D. Williams and Joe Edley, the only three-time winner of the National Scrabble Championship, this calendar is packed with ingenious and entertaining puzzles, games, and brainteasers developed especially for the passionate player. Spot the Phony. Fill-Ins. Five-Letter Shuffle. And Add a Letter: Which letter in the word "time" can be added to the word "fairly" to form a seven-letter word when the letters are rearranged. "T" for "frailty." This 2006 Daily Boxed calendar was published by Workman Publishing.
The calendar description above is from the archives. Select below for current calendars. |